Actor, Playwright, Director, Sound Designer, Costume Designer, Dramaturg
circa. 2021
circa. 2023
circa. 2024
The first play I had the pleasure of writing.
Selected for the Sparks Theatre Company
Inaugural Festival (2021)
Selected two years in a row for the Queer Writer's Festival
in Los Angeles (2023/2024)
The first rendition of Mis Escritos was a one act play was premiered at the Student Center Garden on the University of California: San Diego campus to a sold out audience.
Over the course of the coming years, I developed, what I believed at the time, to be a separate piece called Con Papelitos No, existing in the same neighborhood as Mis Escritos. What I began to realize at the time was that I could break the bounds of traditional storytelling by making the focal point community rather than characters. This liberation allowed me to develop Mis Escritos into the play it is today.
The full-length version of Mis Escritos premiered, opened and closed in the CalArts Coffeehouse Theatre on April 7th & 8th, 2023 to sold out crowds and to a standing ovation.
Mis Escritos will be published and available for purchase in 2025.
Any and all requests for production, please reach out below.
The Always Running Festival
2023 & 2024
Sponsored by the Los Angeles Poet Society, Tia Chucha's, KROJ 101.5 - Radio Ollin and the
Brown Beret National Organization - OC/LA Chapter
For all artistic and educational inquiries, please follow the contact for Angel Miguel Lopez.
For all music related inquiries, please follow the contact for CASP3R.
ANGEL MIGUEL LOPEZ 213-925-6856 CASP3R 213-915-7564